Michael Fassbender is politically incorrect: Theres some element of gypsy in me

Publish date: 2024-06-19


My fellow Fass-loonie at Pop Sugar, Allison, sent me her most recent video interview with Michael Fassbender as he continues to endlessly promote A Dangerous Method and Shame and Haywire. Allison famously (in my mind) got Fassie to say one of my favorite things ever while he was promoting X-Men: First Class – something about how he’s a ginger and all gingers come from Viking stock. He was basically saying that he’s a big Viking and we should love his big, gingery Viking dong. In this new interview – in which Allison gets to sit next to Fassie (she said he smells like coffee) – for A Dangerous Method, Fassie talks about how professional Keira Knightley is and how he likes the actor’s life. His actual words – “there’s some element of gypsy in me anyway.” That’s not really politically correct to call yourself a gypsy, but there you have it: Michael Fassbender, ginger gypsy Viking. HOT.

Go-karting? Meh. But he loves cares and motorcycles and anything that makes a lot of noise and goes fast, so I guess it makes sense.

By the way, Fassie has about a million projects lined up because he’s the It Dude of the moment as far as “the actor most directors want to cast.” Everybody is on the Fassdong Train! I’m not sure how I feel about that, honestly. Fassie has made a series of really smart career decisions, and I worry that now that he’s being offered anything and everything, he’s just going to say “yes” to some projects he really shouldn’t. Like Robocop. Yes, Hollywood is considering a reboot of the Robocop franchise, and they’re looking at Fassie for it. Well, the director wants him, and when Fassie was asked about it, he said:

“You know, I’m always open. I’ll take a look at the script and sit down with the director and have a conversation. It’s not definitely like, ‘Oh, I’ve got to play RoboCop before I retire.’ I don’t have that about anything. I don’t go, ‘I have to play the Dane one day, or Hamlet.’ I don’t really think like that. I just wait and see what comes up, and I’m always open to it. If I react to the script, then I’m up for anything. … It could be kind of fun. It could be kind of good to have a helmet that I could hide behind, for most of the film, too. That sounds kind of appealing.”

[Via Reelz]

Helmet?!?!? He already has his face covered for Magneto, don’t make him cover it for another movie! Noooooooooo. Srsly, though, NO ROBOCOP.





Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & GQ.
