Laverne Cox: Im not delusional & think I look like Beyonc, but people tell me that

Publish date: 2024-06-18


Laverne Cox participated in Buzzfeed’s 27 Questions interview. I’ve mentioned before that these types of interviews are my favorite. Obviously they aren’t in-depth soul-searching journeys but I still think they show someone’s personality. Plus, I like to give my own answers to every question. Laverne is currently hosting the Kim Kardashian-produced Glam Masters series on Lifetime as well as continuing in her Emmy-winning role as Sophia on Orange is the New Black. You can read all her answers here but below are a few I thought were fun:

Describe your style in three words. Chic, sexy, and bold.

What’s your biggest pet peeve? Bad grammar. When people use “your” when they really mean “you’re.” Also, when people confuse “fewer” and “less,” because “fewer” should be used when discussing numbers, while “less” refers to the amount. I HATE THAT! And almost no one gets it right.

Who’s your celebrity doppelgänger? People always say I look like Beyoncé, but I don’t think that – other people say that. Just so you know, I’m not delusional and think I look like Beyoncé…but people do tell me that.

Who’s your celebrity crush? Drake.

What’s your favorite on set memory of OITNB? Working with Jodie Foster.

Do you have any hidden talents? I can’t discuss that in public.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? I like my Emmy, a lot!

What’s your favorite place to visit? My apartment in Los Angeles. No, I’m kidding. To visit…I love Paris.

Name something on your bucket list. Winning an Oscar.

Describe the perfect day. Waking up, making a gratitude list, making a manifestation list, meditating, stretching, then meeting my special someone on the couch to watch Netflix all day, and making love in between.

What’s the last thing you searched on Google? Myself.

What’s your craziest fan story? This woman started running up to me in Union Square, here in New York. She’s running up to me and then she screams, “Oh my God, you’re that girl from Orange is the New Black! I was in prison!” And I was like, “Okay.” Yeah, that was crazy.

What do you hope for in 2018? The Democrats to take the House, the Senate…so we can begin impeachment proceedings in 2019

[From Buzzfeed]

I definitely see similarities between Laverne and Beyoncé but I don’t know that I would say one looks just like the other. I’d be thrilled to be told I look like either one of them. Who have you been told you look like? I’ve always been told I look like Melissa Gilbert. I’ve never seen it, but I’ve always appreciated the comparison (especially when she was dating Rob Lowe).

The crazy fan story made me laugh. How does one respond to that? I’m sure that comment had a lot more context in the fan’s head. I also think her response about ‘visiting’ her LA apartment is probably not that far from the truth, she’s probably never home. I’m afraid I don’t have any information about her ‘special someone’ except that this site implied they met on Tinder and have been together for eight months – congrats to them! I’m guessing it’s not Drake, though.




Photo credit: WENN Photos
