Lana Del Rey: I really do believe that words are one of the last forms of magic

Publish date: 2024-06-15

Vanity Fair Oscar Party - Arrivals

Lorde recently made headlines for declaring that she was “basically a witch,” a blithe designation that still irritates me. Witches are real. Wiccans are real. They have a real belief system and they are casting real spells to fight the rise of real fascism. They are trying to connect to the earth and the spirit world in real ways, which means they are generally environmentally engaged too. Maybe I’m so worked up about it because I think witches are cool and I wish there was more witchcraft in my life. Lana del Rey must feel similarly, because she’s apparently out here, casting spells against Donald Trump.

Lana Del Rey is proud of her attempt to put a hex on President Donald Trump.

“Yeah, I did it. Why not? Look, I do a lot of s—t,” the 32-year-old New York native told NME on Friday. In February, Del Rey made headlines when she joined a large group in the witchcraft community to perform a “mass spell to bind Trump.”

Michael Hughes, a leader of the Facebook group spearheading the project, previously told Page Six, “It’s not like people using a voodoo doll or doing a spell to cause harm. It’s meant to bind Trump and the people abetting him, the people in his circle. It’s like tying someone up. The spell isn’t like punching a Nazi. It’s more like taking his bullhorn away, tying him up and smashing his phone so he can’t tweet. It’s more of a self-defense spell than anything.”

Del Rey didn’t expound much on the specifics of the spell but explained how beliefs and attitudes, more than potions and cauldrons, can inspire change.

“I’m in line with Yoko [Ono] and John [Lennon] and the belief that there’s a power to the vibration of a thought,” she said. “Your thoughts are very powerful things and they become words, and words become actions, and actions lead to physical changes. I really do believe that words are one of the last forms of magic and I’m a bit of a mystic at heart. And I’ve seen how I feel about changing those people’s lives and I’ve been on the other side of that as well — on the other side of well-wishes and on the other side of mal-intent. And I’ve realized how strong you have to be to be; bigger than all of it, even bigger than your own vibrations.”

[From Page Six]

Okay, she got a bit Goopy there at the end. I believe in bad vibes and good vibes too, but I find it helpful to not discuss these issues in terms of “vibrations,” because you’re going to lose a lot of people who would otherwise join you in hexing Emperor Bigly. I also believe that thoughts and words have power, although… obviously, there’s no chant that we can do to stop Donald Trump. But we can all collectively join together and create some kind of mantra. “Covfefe Trump, 2.9 million fewer votes than Hillary, the power of covfefe compels you.”

Lana Del Rey plays BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend 2017

Photos courtesy of WENN.
