Chris Pine allegedly freaking out over his thinning hair on set of Jack Ryan

Publish date: 2024-06-29

I’m not all up on Chris Pine’s jock. I know a lot of Trekkie girls get all hot and bothered for him, and that’s fine, and good for you, I’ll just stick with Benedict Cumberbatch, thank you very much. I think my breaking point/aha moment with Chris was when I realized that he willingly dated Audrina Patridge for, like, a year. Seriously. Ever since then, I can’t get hot for him. Anyway, these are some photos of Chris filming the newest reboot of the Jack Ryan franchise in England this month. Jack Ryan, as some of you may know, is the Tom Clancy character previously played by (respectively) Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck. Most people think Harrison was the best version, but it’s also good to remember that Clancy’s original character began as a younger man – thus, the second reboot of this franchise within a decade with yet another 30-something actor. Interestingly enough, guess who is playing Jack Ryan’s girlfriend/wife in the reboot? Keira Knightley! For real. That part was previously played by Ann Archer and Bridget Moynahan. I feel like Keira might just be doing this for a paycheck? Weird.

Anyway, there’s some minor gossip coming out of the set. Allegedly, Chris Pine has hair issues. Like, Travolta-style hair issues.

Chris Pine is wishing someone could beam him up some hair. The 32-year-old actor is pining for sturdier follicles after everyone on the set of his new movie, Jack Ryan, began to notice that his hair was thinning.

“Chris is pretty freaked out,” a close friend tells Star. “He never realized how dependent he is on his looks until his hair started falling out. Now he’s panicking about how it will affect his career, his love life, everything.”

And yet, Pine is doing his best to take things in stride.

“He’s using Rogaine and not ruling out hair-replacement surgery,” the insider adds. But he won’t be able to get transplants until after he’s finished filming, of course, so he’s lucky that Hollywood has a solution for every pretty-face problem. The source reports: “The hair and makeup team are trying to cover up the patchy spots on his scalp and fill in the thin areas with spray-on hair.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

I’m looking through the photos… I can kind of see it. It doesn’t look major or “OMG, GET HIM A WIGLET.” It looks more like, “Huh, he’s thinning at the temples a little bit.” But the funniest part is that Star Mag is acting like this is going to be the most devastating thing EVER to his career. Dude, look at Ben Affleck. Look at Jeremy Piven. Look at Jude Law. Look at about a dozen more actors who either wear wigs or just go in for hairplugs. It’s not the end of the world.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
