Camille Grammer says Kelsey wont let their kids say her name, wont finalize divorce

Publish date: 2024-06-15

We’ve heard Kelsey Grammer trash his ex wife, Camille, at every turn. He even went so far as to have his current wife dress as Camille for Halloween, which just shows that he’s still obsessed with her. In a recent interview with Anderson Cooper, Camille dropped a couple of doozies about Kelsey that seem to confirm that he’s not over her. Kelsey never signed the papers finalizing their divorce settlement, and keeps “changing” the agreement. (He was allowed to marry Kayte because his divorce with Camille was “bifurcated” in that they were legally divorced but still need to work out the settlement.) He also forbids their two children, daughter Mason, 11, and son Jude, 8, from saying their mother’s name while they’re at his house. Also, he won’t talk, text or directly communicate with Camille at all and she said it’s costing them a fortune in lawyers’ fees. That’s so dysfunctional, but that’s Kelsey.

On how Kelsey hasn’t yet signed the papers finalizing the divorce settlement
We met before a judge a year ago to sign a final judgement settlement papers and it still we haven’t and the last time I was there Kelsey bailed before we were supposed to sign the papers. For the most part, I thought they were done because we came to agreement basically on everything and then I kept getting emails every other week from his lawyers that he wanted to keep changing things. So on my end, I said, ‘Okay, I agree to all of this,’ but he keeps making changes so I feel that at this point he is prolonging the process.

On co-parenting with Kelsey
It’s very difficult to co-parent with someone who won’t speak to you, text you or email you. He he doesn’t speak to me at all. So it’s very very difficult because I’ve reached out to him. I think it’s very important to be amicable to raise children and he refuses too. There’s just so much I can do at this point.

On how she communicates with Kelsey
It’s usually through lawyers. So we are spending a fortune just to try to co-parent, which is ridiculous.

Her kids aren’t allowed to say her name
The kids at this point, which is kind of sad I found this out, that they are not allowed to same my name in the house. So these poor kids, my daughter and my son can’t say my name in their father’s house…. I think they can say mom or the other household but they can’t say my name. They can’t say Camille.

I feel horrible. I call my lawyers and say, ‘What’s my recourse in this? What do I do as a parent?’ because I feel bad for them. It must be stressful for them to not be able to say their mother’s name but there is no recourse because we already settled our custody.

[From Anderson Cooper’s show, received via e-mail]

I believe this about Kelsey, particularly about him forbidding the kids to talk too much about their mom. He wouldn’t even say Camille’s name when he did that big interview with Oprah. It doesn’t make sense to me, though, that their two kids would be calling their mother “Camille.” I think she means that they’re not allowed to talk about her when they’re around their dad, but the way she’s explaining it is awkward. We already knew this about Kelsey, that he is petty and mean and is trying to hurt Camille still, even when he’s the one who was cheating and plotting to leave before he bothered to talk to her about it. It’s just very sad that he’s trying to turn his kids on their own mother. He’s got some really serious issues to say the least.

Here’s a clip from the show where Camille talks co-parenting with Kelsey:

Can’t stand Kelsey or his bride but their baby is adorable.

Camille is shown on 12-1 and 11-12-12. Kelsey is shown on 11-27-12. Credit: and FameFlynet
